11 Reasons Donald Trump’s Presidency Can Be Good for America

Many Americans are freaking out right now. They think they have made a mistake and their next president is going to be the devil himself. Donald Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton to become the President of United States last Tuesday is being met with a lot of skepticism.

“He is going to run the country to the ground,” or “he will deport all Mexicans and Muslims,” – Sound familiar?

PHOTO: Wikipedia/Quote/Suggestive

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Propaganda is a strong weapon. Here is the proof; up until the election results came out, Trump was losing on every analysis, talk show, news channel and social media. It seemed like an easy win for Hillary, every network, every newspaper was reporting it. In the end the opposite happened.

We found out that we have been lied to – the situation on the ground was much different than on TV and social media.

Trump was not establishment’s man. Therefore through planned media frenzy and targeted campaigns we have been fed deceptive information. Trump has many many MANY weaknesses, but then so does everyone else. Trump’s victory doesn’t mean Armageddon.

On the contrary it opens many opportunities. Donald Trump isn’t your standard politician, he is different. This blend of uniqueness and a little bit of crazy can be ideal for United States at this time.

Therefore, don’t worry, don’t lose hope, establishment has painted a terrible picture for you for their own vested interests.

Sit back, relax and enjoy reading the 11 reasons America is going to be great again.

11. Trump is straightforward

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Conventional politicians may fool us with their “politically correct” statements sometimes but now people are much smarter.

PHOTO: Wikipedia

Diplomacy, boot-licking, sleaze-balling etc. is not Trump’s style. He speaks what is on his mind. Sometimes he is too straightforward. We need an honest no BS guy against the world leaders like Putin and Kim Jong Un. His chivalry is going to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies – and we need that more than ever now.

Gage Skidmore | Flickr

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10. A fresh face of US politics

There is nothing more dangerous than a leader who is a career politician, everyone knows that. Career politicians do twisted things, as politics is their livelihood, their bread and butter. However, Donald Trump is not a career politician. He is a fresh face in the United States politics. He has more money than he can use. He doesn’t need politics to feed his lifestyle.

Gage Skidmore | Flickr

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We have seen on celebrity shows, magazine covers and entrepreneurial seminars but we haven’t seen him in Senate, mingling with the crooked politicians. Trump is fresh, Trump is new – this may or may not work out but at least there is hope. With other politicians we know EXACTLY what to expect.

PHOTO: Wikipedia

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9. Strict immigration policy is something US needs

Liberal entities and mainstream media have painted a grave picture of Trump’s immigration policy. But believe it or not, immigration is one of the biggest problems of United States. We need a stricter immigration policy. Many people accuse Trump of being a racist against Mexicans but his immigration policy does not target a particular ethnicity.

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He wants all immigrants to come through proper channels. He want’s to make sure everyone is registered so they can receive benefits and pay taxes. It is good for everyone, even the people of other ethnicities that come to US through legal means. They spend loads of money, wait for months often years and deal with hefty paperwork. Are we encouraging everyone to just jump over the fence?

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8. Unlike other politicians President Trump won’t be owned by anyone

Presidential candidates get funded from various businessmen and lobbyists. They see it as an investment in a politician. It is a simple cycle; they give money for the campaign and when the candidate wins he has to give them some “favors” in return. This results in corruption in the bureaucracy and the president is practically owned by some rich people.

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Donald Trump is not owned by anyone. He has funded his entire campaign himself and have had little help from the public. Trump won’t have to scratch anyone’s back while in the Oval office. Instead we will see a powerful president who can exercise his vision without interruption from the elite.

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7. No corruption charges

Sure, the locker room talk is disgusting to say the least. Trump has given many controversial statements but the fact remains that the man is squeaky clean as far as corruption is concerned. He has been accused of sexual harassment and has been involved in bankruptcy controversies, but he has had zero corruption allegations. Since Trump has been a celebrity for decades these sort of things are bound to happen, a tax evasion here, a bribe there – but never with Trump.

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Can you say the same about Hillary Clinton? Or other politicians in the country? – Heck no! Trump’s is divorced but his rivals are crooked and corrupt. Mainstream media makes it sound like corruption is not a big issue but we ask you the compassionate American, do you honestly think we should have a corrupt President but not the one with funny hair and multiple divorces?

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6. Trump is e genuine leader

You don’t get elected President of United States with firm opposition from the establishment and the media if you don’t know how to win over masses. Trump is a genuine leader. Being a top-notch businessman Trump knows the perfect mixture of diplomacy, bargaining and authority. Trump knows what he wants from American people and in turn they respect his calls.

Gage Skidmore | Flickr

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It is said that once Trump was deep in debts and yet he managed to pull through – such qualities are hall mark of true leaders. Despite the impression that he is anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim, he rallied the support of many Latinos and Muslims.

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5. Whatever happens it will better than status-quo

For years we have seen the some rut over and over again. Same politicians, same families winning elections many times and enjoying Presidential terms. But Trump is an outsider. He doesn’t belong to the system. He is people’s choice. Such executives have the capability to take a country out of the old systems and away from the claws of horrid status-quo.

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If not Trump, we would’ve seen another Clinton in the Oval office. Do you remember last time a Clinton had that office? – No, America deserves better and they have got a fresh start. We’re really hoping Trump can make it count.

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4. Donald Trump is the president of the common man

Despite the media frenzy and liberal elite’s accusation, Trump actually cares for the “little man”. He speaks the language of common man on the street. He addresses their problems, says what they want to hear. In return the power of people have elected Donald Trump as the president of United States.

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Like we stated before in this list that Trump actually got many Muslims, immigrants and Latinos to vote for him. The political elite doesn’t care about the man on the street, they only want to wage wars in the Middle East. It is after ages that we have seen someone address the genuine issues of people of United States.

PHOTO: Wikipedia

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3. Trump will ban government officials from politicization for other governments

Speaking of Trump’s policies, some are impractical such as the border wall (as Americans we should try our best to forget about that promise, because it is not happening), while others are simply brilliant. During his campaign, Trump announced that if elected he will ban the White House officials lobbying with governments of other countries.

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It would mean that our government officials will not be able to work foreign governments like they use to. There will be no ‘under-the-table’ meetings and no favors to foreign governments. Trump repeatedly said that to him, America comes first. While many politicians use it as a rhetoric, it seems Trump really means what he says.

PHOTO: Michael Vadon | Flickr

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2. He will enforce term limits on Congress members

If you feel frustrated from the government system, here is another thing you’d like: About two months before the election, Trump said he will impose term limits on the members of congress. This has huge implications. It would mean the end of career politicians in America. Building on Ronald Reagan’s famous statement, Trump says he has his own ways to “Drain the Swamp”.

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With term limitations on Congress members, people like Senator John McCain will have a hard time. These people have been in public office for years while getting rich. Trump’s policy will ensure that these career politicians retire after a while and get a regular job – just like the rest of us.

PHOTO: Michael Vadon | Flickr

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1. He will investigate corrupt politicians

That’s the advantage of having an outsider in the Oval office; he is fearless. During one of the Presidential debates, Trump said he will open investigations against all corrupt politicians including Hillary Clinton. He even said that he will look into FBI’s investigation that suspiciously cleared Hillary Clinton despite the evidence of 33,000 deleted emails.

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Corruption is a monster that strikes Americans regardless of their allegiance with Democrats or Republicans. We should all unite under the cause of corruption and investigate people who got into politics to serve people and instead looked after their own pockets. Other politicians cannot lock up corrupt politicians because they come from the same system – but Trump is an outsider, he can bring change.

Do not despair, let’s unite and make America great again!

Abbey Hambright | Flickr

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