Complimenting your wife can go one of two ways. It can turn her frown into a happy glow or it can make her want to hit you over the head with a frying pan. While no one is advocating for violence against husbands, sometimes the words just don’t come out right. Perhaps, while the compliment was being uttered the eyes were rolling or you were looking at the hot twenty something walking down the road as you said “honey you look hot!” In that case you might deserve to get a wallop of some sort. Nonetheless, compliments only work if you use them with precision timing, the correct non-verbal cues and an undeniable tone that emits the absolute truth. -And we’re here to help.

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Marriage never gets easier and if it does that simply means you are not working hard enough. Complementing your wife can help you step up your game immensely. No one is saying that you need to be throwing out compliments as fast as bunnies reproduce, remember it is not about quantity, it’s about quality. Be genuine, don’t say anything unless you mean it or your wife’s radar will go off on you faster than you can flip a pancake. A huge percentage of communication does not come from your lips, but from all of your other non-verbal clues. This means that you need to make sure your eyes, legs, arms and even your big toes are all working together. One false compliment and she will know. Woman have that famous intuition.
1. This Dinner is Really Good, Can You Make it Again Sometime?
Your wife has just been in the kitchen working for at least an hour in order to prepare a terrific meal. If you really loved it then by all means let her know. Phrase it anyway you want as long as you avoid the compliment turning into constructive criticism.
Avoid saying “This dinner was great an all, but wouldn’t it be even better if you-?” Stop right there. If your sentence is going to contain the word “but” you would have been better off sewing a zipper onto your lips and zipping it shut. If you can do it better, offer to cook next time. While still complementing her, say something like, “Honey this was great,” (add something you liked especially) I LOVED how the ribs just fell off the bone. I want to make YOU something tomorrow so you can relax.”
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2. You Are Beautiful
Don’t ever underestimate the power of telling your wife that she is beautiful. There are times when she feels like the ugly duckling that never turned into a swan. She tried on fifty outfits, changed her hairstyle and even put on makeup just so that she would look nice for you.

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When you notice it has taken her longer to get ready than the time it takes to watch a movie and have dinner, this is a sign. The sign says: “your wife needs a compliment.” Don’t hesitate, tell her how beautiful she looks, and don’t be afraid to be specific! “babe, you could just wear your pajamas and you will still be the most beautiful one there.” And if you add in a hug from behind and a kiss on the neck, OH! She will love you more than ever.

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3. I Appreciate You
This is a universal compliment that should always be kept in your bag of tricks for easy access. Women sometimes feel unappreciated, everything is expected from them, and they do so much with no recognition. This has caused many women to go on strike in their own home, don’t let that happen to you. When a women goes on strike the whole world falls apart.

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A strike means dishes piled up, dirty laundry everywhere and worst of all your wife has turned into a potato just sitting in front of the tube. So unless potatoes are your thing, make sure you’re keeping up with your duties around the house, and tell her how much you appreciate her for doing her’s. Really, think of all the things she does for you and the family, she truly is amazing and she needs to hear that you know how much you appreciate her. “I’m so happy for everything you do around the house, it always looks so nice”, should do the trick -simple yet effective.

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4. You Are My Queen
What girl, hasn’t dreamt of being a princess? Princesses grow up to be the queen and when a man treats his wife like a queen only good can come from it. You are my queen is a compliment that should be voiced for no reason at all. Try it sometime, out of the blue just say “You are my Queen” and to add even more effectiveness, say it with a five minute foot massage.

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When a woman is called a queen she immediately feels respected, loved, honored and cherished. -And relaxed and satisfied if you add in the message. Queens convey a sense of high importance. So roll out the red carpet and sprinkle some rose pedals on the floor when she arrives home from work.

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5. Honey, You Really Impress Me With All That You Know.
There are somethings that your wife does much better than you ever could and vice versa, but does she know you see it that way? She might not, so what are you waiting for? Tell her! Now, we are not expecting you to go into a speech of everything she does better than you and everything you stink at. That will start to sound like a pity party for a table of one.

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What you can do is express how impressed you are with her knowledge. I mean, think about it, the house would probably look like a sad college kid’s first apartment if it weren’t for her woman’s touch of color and feng shui. She will feel great about herself and you will pick up some points along the way.

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6. I Am Proud of You
There is nothing better than hearing someone, especially someone you deeply care for, say I am proud of you. Those words can make an exhausted wife feel energized, loved and fulfilled. Woman can be insecure at times, sometimes overthinking and wondering what the man in her life really thinks.

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While most men are known to be silent about their feelings, not really knowing what to say, or how to say it.. Pride needs to be shared. Keeping how proud you are of her inside is dangerous business, so don’t be afraid to let her know how you feel about her awesome qualities and accomplishments.

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7. I enjoy our conversations
You don’t have to agree with your wife to enjoy the conversations you have with her. In fact it is your differences that make you so perfect for each other. Her different outlook inspires ideas you may have never come up with yourself. You love lying in bed just bantering back and forth on any topic. You don’t just enjoy the conversations, you look forward to them.

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Your wife is the only person in this world who you don’t want to scream at when her opinion is different than yours. Well maybe once in a while but, you still love your conversations. Don’t hold back, share whats on your mind and let her know how much you enjoy chatting with her.

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8. I love your sense of style
There are a million things you could compliment your wife on, but this one goes the distance. It can also benefit you just as much as your wife. When you tell your wife that you love her sense of style, you give her the confidence she needs to pick out the clothes she likes. This compliment works in more than one way. First, it makes her feel good about the way she dresses, which means you won’t be waiting forever for her to get ready.

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Secondly, knowing that you like what she picks gives her a boost of speed when shopping. Well maybe. Hopefully. Remember, simple is effective, so try one of these: “I like those kinds of shirts on you”, or “I like how flowy those dresses are, it’s pretty on you.” Or, get a little deeper, like this guy below ↓

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9. Because You Do So Much, We Are Going Out Tonight.
When you step up to the plate and tell your wife she has done so much that she deserves a night on the town, you just did two things: offered a great compliment, and rewarded her for her great work. This is a powerful move by any husband, and your wife will be so flattered that she’ll be grinning from ear to ear.

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After all women love when they are appreciated, and a man who takes charge. Going out of your way and making the effort to plan a date goes a long way towards making her happy. You should try and do this for her at least once a month, she will love it, and more importantly, love YOU!

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10. I Don’t Just Want You, I Need You
Remind her that you need her every once in a while. There are no storms that you can’t weather when your wife is by your side. Men sometimes have a hard time expressing how they feel, henceforth why they scribble all over their naked bellies and parade around their favorite football stadium. All joking aside, this is a powerful compliment to give to your wife.

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If you can’t say it go ahead and write it. You could surprise her with a card, or a sticky note that expresses your appreciation for her to wake up to. Remind her that without her you’d be lost, or without her smile your world would be grey. Women go nuts over little gestures like that.

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11. You’re Not Just My Wife, But My Best Friend.
The first thing that attracted you to your future wife was probably her looks -that is usually what captures anyone’s attention first. But if the looks are the only thing a girl has to offer she will quickly be discarded. You kept your wife around because she’s not only the most beautiful person on the planet, but she’s hilarious, and shares common interests as you, and maybe she’s just as weird as you are, too. The list can go on and on.

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It takes much more than lust to make a marriage work, and both lust and looks are fleeting. So when you tell your wife she is your best friend, and how much you enjoy her company, it will warm her heart and make her feel appreciated.

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12. You Are So Much Smarter Than Me
It takes a real strong man to admit this one. Most men do not like to be the underdog in the relationship, but complimenting your wife on something she does better than you is not admitting defeat. It just means you notice what she has to bring to the table, and shows you’re comfortable being in a partnership. What she has in book smarts you meet with street smarts.

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As long as your guy friends are not around you won’t get hassled, but who cares what they think anyway? If you do however, admit this in front of your guy friends, she will give you even more points (but, who needs points when you have her?). Let’s say you two are painting a room in the house: “There’s no way I could have the patience for that, I’m so thankful you’re doing the trim. I’ll stick to painting the walls and stay away from the corners”, for example.

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13. I Love You More Today Than The Day I Fell In Love With You.
This is one of the greatest compliments you can give your wife. Often, as you have been together year after year both of you might have stopped doing the things that made you fall for each other in the first place. But after all you feel even more close, and even more connected to your wife now, right? Well let her know!

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When you tell her you love her more than the day you fell in love with her, it really shows that she lived up to your expectations as a wife and surpassed them. Plus this one may get you out of a lot of trouble if you two are going through a little bit of a bump. Use it sparingly, and only when it feels right. If you overuse it and tell her everyday, it might just start going in one ear and out the other.

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14. You Are Thee Love of My Life
This is probably one of the most obvious and most important compliments to give your wife. She may compare herself to relationships you have had in the past. But remind her that you chose HER because she ISN’T one of those girls. Tell her that it is because of all of those horrible exes that lead you to her, and you wouldn’t change that for anything.

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Don’t just assume that she should know, tell her. There are no greater words that you can tell your wife than telling her she is the love of your life. It may sound silly or even petty, but to her it means the world. Also, you can never say this one enough!

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15. I Have Become A Better Person Since We Met.
When a husband tell her wife “I have become a better person since we met” it lets her know that she truly is the better half. There are a lot of things a good hubby can learn from his wifey. Women are so strong, yet gentle; they are firm, yet forgiving, and (most) women are so warm and friendly, a husband can’t help but change for the better when he’s around someone with such a good influence all the time.

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When a wife hears her husband say this she will blush at the thought. This is a compliment that makes all other compliments seem a little less important. It takes an awful strong love to make someone a better person and if your wife has, let her know.

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